Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Love Affair with Michaels (that's with an 's')

Okay, I'm going to brag on myself just a little bit.

Jackson's first birthday is coming up in May, and I've recently started doing a little party planning.  One of the details I wanted for his first big day was a special "birthday boy" party hat.  I looked on Etsy and Ebay and even browsed a few expensive baby boutiques.  Unfortunately, everything I liked was between $20-$30, and that seemed like a lot to pay for a party hat.

So . . . a got crafty again . . .
(I could seriously have a love affair with Michaels)

And I am so very pleased with the results of my $9 endeavors.

A party hat fit for a King!

Who says Prince William is the only royalty celebrating this Spring?

1 comment:

Mom said...

You are one of the most talented people I know....I love the hat...Love you