Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Helpful Hints

Those of you who know me personally, and know me well, know I'm not a "techy."  Sure, sure, once an HP telephone service agent commented on how nice it was to work with someone who knew simple computer navigation, but I am certainly no programmer, hacker, or computer wizard.  *wink*  There might acutally be a couple of readers who are smirking right about now reading this entry opening and recalling a time or two (or more) when I've called them panicing with a "blue screen of death," a virus, or a failing motherboard. (Thank you Michael!)

This blogging thing has been a sort of adventure for me.  When I began blogging in 2008, my website was totally basic.  Just a black background, white text (if memory serves), and a few very basic photo uploads.  It's been a long--and fun--process of learning a weency bit of coding and doing a motherload of internet "how-to" searching to make the blog look like it does today.  Again, certain readers are probably chuckling right about now--thinking of how emmensely simple my blog still remains today.  I am swelling with pride, nevertheless.  Har Har.

What I have noticed recently, however, is that a lot of my readership isn't computer saavy either (no offense).  So...I will try to help with a couple very basic blog navigation tips to help out these wonderful people.  I've also changed several of my settings to make the site more "user friendly" and fun for everyone!

1.  To those people who receive email notification of my new blog posts:
-- first, you're special--  *wink*
-- second, if you want to VIEW PHOTOS larger and/or WATCH VIDEOS, you have to actually visit the WEBSITE
-- in the ADDRESS BAR at the top of your computer screen, you must type:  in order to do this.  (this will allow you to see photos and videos, and to hear audio, as well as comment on my posts-- if possible, I would prefer you COMMENT on the website rather than REPLY to my email)  :) thanks

2.  How to Comment on a blog post:
-- I recently changed a setting that allows EVERYONE to comment if they would like (not just people with a blogger/google account)
-- at the BOTTOM of EACH post, you will see a BLUE link that says COMMENTS (there may be a number before it)--click it, write your comment in the text box that appears, and click POST COMMENT!
-- again, that means EVERYONE CAN COMMENT (even if I don't know you personally, it's cool)

That's it.
Told you they were very basic.
Hope this helps!

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