Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gingerbread Row

*~*~*~* Welcome to Gingerbread Row*~*~*~*

It's Christmas time in the Heath house and we've been making (and eating) a lot of gingerbread (a tradition of ours). This year, as you'll note, we spent some extra TLC on the decadent roof!

And, as I always swore I would as a child (while oh-so-fondly calling my folks "Scrooge" for not decorating with outdoor lights), we have also decorated our home for the holidays. Hence, we are now living in a "gingerbread house." Coming home to those wonderful sparkling lights each night just puts me in the Christmas spirit. How about you?

(and for those of you who are thinking 'white lights are so not Jen,' they are acutally multicolored--see top insert ;) so dont' you worry about my gaudiness, it's still there)

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