Tuesday, February 12, 2013

District 12

On our trip to pick up Wookie, we happened upon something really cool.


That's an understatement.

We happened upon something phenomenal!

E & K Kennels just happens to be about 2 miles away from :

Do you have any idea how exciting this find was for Justin and I?

I kid you not, we were driving down a country road following printed directions to the kennel ... when we began driving past tons of small, abandoned homes.  I said to Justin, "Eww ... this is kinda creepy." His response was, "It reminds me of District 12 from The Hunger Games ... google where that was filmed."  (seriously ... I'm not kidding)   So, I googled ... and low and behold ... we were literally driving through the movie set without realizing it.  How observant my husband is!

All the hustle and bustle of filming is currently over, so after we picked up Wookie ... we drove back into District 12.  


The area where "the reaping" was filmed was marked with explicit NO TRESPASSING signs, so I do not have photographs of that section.  Nevertheless, we definitely saw it.  So cool.

I was, however, able to snap a few photographs of District 12.

Peeta's Bakery:

Katniss and Prim's House:

The village:

This movie set it an actual abandoned fishing village in the small town of Hildebran, North Carolina just outside of Hickory.  Being there felt just like stepping into one of my favorite films of all time.  It was a little surreal.

So ... next time you are driving through North Carolina ... or looking for a new puppy ... you might just get the opportunity to step into the movies.

C'mon ... who else can say "I rescued my puppy from District 12"?

So cool!

1 comment:

Becca said...

I can't believe Justin actually thought of that... and was right! What an amazing find. I loved the movie and the book and would have freaked out if I came across it randomly like that too!