Jackson Scott turned 3 months today! What a big boy he is becoming--and, oh so fast. He is 24 inches long and 13 pounds, 4 ounces. We didn't have a check up this month, so these are crude Mommy-estimates from our big-people scale, mind you. Still, he is all smiles (except when he's not...haha).
This month brought a lot of changes. He is still taking the Enfamil AR well and is up to a full 6 ounces every 4 hours. I'm not 100% sure if he's actually keeping down 6 ounces, though. Baby Jax still suffers from terrible reflux and spits up a lot. Each day consists of several outfits and several bibs...but hey, we get to use all those 0-3 month-sized clothes that I thought he would outgrow so quickly. :) He is still able to wear most of his 0-3 month clothes, and is in size 1-2 diapers. I think he's pretty "average" when it comes to size...not a peanut or a watermelon.

Jax is growing attentive to books and movies now. He sits up well in his boppy seat and enjoys hearing stories and watching Elmo songs and Baby Signing Time (and Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred). What can I say, he's a ladies' man already. And...don't judge me...but this kid loves the TV. He will crane his neck to see what is playing. And...if he's doing tummy time...we can't let him face the television or he gets so distracted that he doesn't even try to play or roll over. He must be all boy.
GranGran and PawPaw say he can roll over, but Justin and I are yet to see this happen. Maybe they had him on a downward slope? For us, he get's half-way over, then gets really, really angry...haha! Jax has found his hands in a major way. He loves to suck on his fists and hold his many bibs. He never lets those things go!
And...the sweetest thing ever is when Jackson finds himself in the mirror. He just grins and grins (acting rather bashful sometimes). He'll start "talking," laughing, kicking, and cooing. He thinks he is the greatest and most handsome baby in the world...it's so entertaining to watch.
And...drum roll please...he's sleeping through the night! This started on July 28th...and he's done it every night except for two...we keep our fingers crossed before bed usually. He goes down around 9pm and sleeps until 6am. It's amazing! As for Mommy, she's enjoying her final two weeks of maternity leave before returning to work part time. I just can't get enough of my little 3-month-old man.