Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Made You Look

A Shower of Love
Monday, March 22, 2010
8 Months Pregnant!
Big CONGRATULATIONS to my friends Haley and Valerie who had their babies last week and to my friend Megan who is being induced this week! Love those babies silly!
Someone Needs a Boppy
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Culprits
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What Not to Wear

Thursday, March 11, 2010
For quite awhile now, Justin and I have been discussing our "cord blood" options. We've explored the possibility of collecting and privately storing Jackson's cord blood, but eventually decided that it was too expensive at the current time. We're talking upwards of $2,000 plus annual storage fees. So . . . I went with the next best option . . . or so I thought.
I just couldn't imagine letting such valuable life-saving cells get thrown away (I even have a co-worker whose daughter received an anonymous cord blood transplant to cured her leukemia), so I researched cord blood donation and contacted CryoBank International this morning to enroll (they tell you not to do this until your 3rd trimester, so this seemed like a logical time).
However, a very cross-sounding representative came onto the line and squashed me.
"When are you due?" ... I answered... "We are full for that month, sorry you can't donate."
. . . and that was that . . .
WTF? I ask . . . (myself, of course). So-- there are tons of people out there with cancers and other potentially curable diseases--and you have a perfectly healthy and willing donor of immunologically immature cord blood stem cells that could save their lives--but you are too busy during the month of May to collect it?
What has the corporate world come to? This is just sad. Please post if you agree.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Big 3-0
Weeks along-- that is! Justin and I had another doctor's appointment today, beginning the every two week visits . . . and it was fantastic. We met Dr. Ng for the first time (the other doc that could deliver baby Jackson), and we were equally impressed with him as we have been with Dr. Liao. I am still in awe at how well I am treated at this new practice. I really love both doctors, so I am assured I will be happy with whoever delivers our baby boy when he decides to come. Jus and I were reflecting on how wonderful it is that these two new doctors seem genuinely excited about our pregnancy. Sure, they do this all day, everyday--but they both make such a special effort to have enthusiam, give encouragement, and seem excited about the life growing inside me. It is so refreshing!
On the medical front, I am still measuring one week ahead--my urine was free of protein and glucose--no edema--I gained the right amount of weight this time--Jackson's HR was between 150-160--and . . . drum roll please . . . my BP was 120/64! This is so exciting because although the docs have never expressed a real concern, my BP has been in the 130's/70's for the last 10 weeks, and it has been really bothering me. I think I have finally put the post woes of my first experiences with that terrible practice of doctors behind me, learned to relax and trust my body, and my BP is responding favorably to this change. I also found out today from Dr. Ng (confirmed what the 4D sonographer said) that Jackson is seated very low in my pelvis. He said this is not of concern and may in fact prove to be a "good thing" when labor begins. Hopefully (and keep praying) this means that Jax won't change positions and will stay appropriately vertex until delivery. My prenatal yoga instructor also said this may be due to the squats and pelvic stretching I've been doing for the last 10 weeks in her class. See . . . now there's a great reason for investing in a good prenatal yoga class!
Something really cool also happened at our appointment today. Dr. Ng took another mini-sono and he measured Jackson for us. According to a rough estimate, he weighs approximately 3 lbs 8 oz right now and is measuring about 30 weeks and 4 days gestation. He should gain at least 1/2 a pound every week for the next 7 weeks too-- I think he's going to be a big boy--but according to medical science, he's really only slightly above average. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Domestic Goddess
Thanks to a very generous mom and dad (and a great Best Buy discount), Justin and I now have a brand new front-loading LG washer and dryer just in time for baby to arrive.
Is is weird in some way that I've been so excited to do laundry lately? We'll have to wait and see if I eat those words in a few weeks. ;)
Maggie says "bring on the loads!"
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Jackson, our Bella Baby
As for Baby Jackson's features, here's what we think:
1. He's chubby (has a crease like I did at the bridge of his nose).
2. He has Justin's lips.
3. He has my cheekbones.
4. He has my toe "extender."
5. He has Justin's brow structure (i.e., no "shelf eyes")
As for the rest-- only 10 more weeks will tell. We're getting soooo excited!
This one looks just like my baby pictures!
Body shot.
Jackson's 4D peepee
Forever snuggling that cord
Little fingers
Little toes
Beautiful face
Baby Jackson's face