Merry Christmas Everyone! While Justin and I certainly enjoyed this wonderful day together, another member of our family, Maggie Mae, found it
very merry as well.
Justin got this bag of Reese Bells (below) in his stocking. While we were showering, Maggie decided to open them for him and eat a few. She only ate 2-3, but we still called the emergency vet who said she would be just fine. Immediately, we put away any chocolate items in the house out of her little reach.

Then, we went to dinner and came home to this (below). What you see here is a shreaded box of Belgian chocolates that was on our bedside table. That's right--she got on the bed, onto the table, knocked it off, shreaded the box, and ate 4-5 chocolates and two large pieces of Marzapan. Again, we called the emergency vet. This time they were a little more worried and had to do a formula based on her weight. Overall, they think she should be fine--with only "mild toxicity." We just have to watch her for panting or shaking. So far, so good. Basically, she just smells like a little chocolate Griffon. Afterall, she is a
Brussels Griffon (native to Belgium), I suppose she smelled her homeland calling on this fine Christmas day.

Here is the infamous Merry Maggie-- coming off of her sugar high. Say a little prayer for me tonight folks--I have a belly ache like no other!

'Twas the night of Christmas
and all through our house
Miss Maggie was rooting
Like a pesky little mouse.
The stockings were emptied
And the chocolates put away
But that didn't stop Maggie
She just couldn't behave
So up onto the bed
Jumped Maggie in spite
And onto the table
"Gonna get some tonight!"
Down fell the treats
And Maggie did follow
She shreaded and chewed
Then swallowed and swallowed
Soon home came the Heaths
And something seemed weird. . .
It was a room full of wrappers
And Maggie's chocolate-smelling beard
To the telephone they ran
To check on that booger
A belly ache she has . . .
And she's hopped up on sugar!