After my oh-too-short two day trip home, I convinced mom to come up to Northern Va with me for the rest of the weekend. On Sunday, Justin too was off, and the three of us went to a corn maze/fall festival in The Plains, VA. It was fantastic--and really quenched my thirst for Fall activity that I so look forward to every year.
We enjoyed looking at livestock, going on a hayride around the farmland, watching adorable pumkin-clad kiddies romp in the fields, drinking hot apple cider, eating kettle corn, shopping at quaint Farmer's Market (excellent apples!), and navigating our way through a HUGE corn maze! It was exactly how I would spend everyday if I had it my way! No matter how long I live in Northern Virginia, my heart belongs in the country-- "you can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the honky tony out of the girl!"